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cleave festival 2021

Moving makes you hungry, burns calories.

In order to complete an action you must sell your movement product. What product?

Will you still get paid if you stop moving?

Is movement something that is always meant to be free?

Labour costs.

Is the observer’s gaze making us move?


When does a movement or object become useless?

Mother language signs the perimeter of a misunderstood space. Where movement is not available words help.

Nimi_Food - Miia Mäkilä.jpg


7th July, 20:10 (Route B) & 10th July, 20:00 (Route A)

Studio 3

50 minutes

Nimi is a collective of independent artists; Miia Mäkilä, Cat Winter, Katerina Sotiraki,

Nikita De Martin and Valentina Lopez. Their focus is on questioning cultural norms around the body. Driven by their different backgrounds and various devising techniques, they arrive at movement centred performances.

the artist


| @nimicollective (Instagram)

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